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Ciura Manor Farm

About Project

The Ciura manor farm was built in the early '600 in Massafra at the behest of the Ciura barons family and became famous "for several reasons, first of all, the harmony of the relationship between territory and enterprise, that are perfectly in balance, in continuity with the past but looking to the future ". this principle was also respected in the recent restoration. In the relationship between architecture and growth, Ciura manor farm represents an example in contrast with the trend to overbuilding, just for the respect of the territory. It is one of the best examples of noble residence and is located in a 60-hectare estate, just few kilometers from the sea. The restoration project, by architect Mauro Lanotte, has resulted in a long preliminary work of analysis of layered architectural sequences over time. After the project of restoration and conservative renewal of the party dates back to 1626, the conversion and expansion were that portion of the old building complex that was dedicated to agricultural and livestock activities, and allocated to tourist hotel structure. The restoration has respected the accurate reconstruction of the built historic environment with new spaces, such as "Kubo glass" so defined by architect Mauro Lanotte of EsseElle Associates. Inside the manor farm, two large rooms in tuff with vaulted ceilings and a star are connected to Kubo crystal immersed in a lemon grove and overlooking the pool. The lighting for this new area is based on minimum visual impact devices that underscore the precious elements and characterize these new elements: the Light Up Garden, emphasize the lemon trees and their fruits; Linealuce fittings and their grazing light emphasize the surface of the ancient enclosure wall of the estate, while the white iPro used for the lighting Kubo chromatically reminiscent chose the pieces of furniture and contemporary architectural interventions. The architectural quality of the intervention is such that the Ciura manor farm Massafra, was invited to the 13th International Architectural Exhibition, directed by David Chipperfield. The old manor farm has been inserted into the theme of the Italian Pavilion of the Biennale dedicated to sustainability, work and creativity.

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  • Year:
  • Client:
    Azienda Agricola Ciura
  • Architectural project:
    Studio ESSEELLE - Arch. Mauro Lanotte
  • Photographer:
    Courtesy of Studio ESSEELLE

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