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Lighting Effect


Via Brera 5, Milan
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Alessandro Mari and the secret of storytelling

On 9th April at 5pm, in the courtyard of The Light Gate, Alessandro Mari – the Creative Director of Holden Studios - will be the main speaker at the Lighthinking Talk dedicated to the subject of storytelling and entitled ‘Tell a secret to keep it: a story of shadows and light’.

Alessandro Mari is a narrator and translator, who was born in Busto Arsizio in 1980. After graduating in English Language and Literature and completing a Master Degree in Storytelling, Mari focused on his writing and soon became known to both critics and the public with his first novel Troppo umana speranza, published in 2011. His other publications, translated both in Europe and South America include Gli alberi hanno il tuo nome (2013) and Cronaca di lei (2017). Alessandro Mari has also presented television programmes and is currently Master of Writing at the Holden School and the Creative Director of Holden Studios.

To find out more about the other events organised by iGuzzini during the Fuorisalone week, click here.

Light is a social science and the innovation that guides it comes from curiosity and dialogue. This is how Lighthinking - a cultural project made up by different initiatives - has been conceived. Moments of sharing rich in contamination for a new reading of light. During the Fuorisalone, light is transformed into language to reveal the secrets of storytelling and craftsmanship in Lighthinking Talks given by exceptional speakers
Tell a secret to keep it: a story of shadows and light


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